
Ksp m/42 machine gun

Sweedish variant of the M1919 Browning machine gun series.
I have recieved a complaint of copyright theft re this image and I am in communication with the copyright owner regrading how to proceed.

BW where did you find this picture, if you were unaware that the copyright belonged to

then explain how you came about the image, if you were aware then dont do it again, one more complaint re copyright and you WILL be banned mate, that I can assure you.
Just to reinforce the point I have just banned hornet for multiple thefts of Copyright............... Although this is one image and I have to give the benefit of the doubt. There is nothing worse than finding your own images being used on another site without permission.
Thank you BW
i have now received word from the owner of this image who is happy to leave the image where it is but with proper credit and a link.

Link and credit posted (Y)

Alls well that ends well

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