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PLANT Joseph. Private, 12390, 8th Cheshire Regiment. Died in Malta harbour on S.S.(H.T.) Andania 22nd August 1915, aged 27 years from tuberculosis. Son of Joseph and Mary Plant, of Sandy Lane, Weston Point, Runcorn, Cheshire.

Some notes from what remains of his army records.
He joined up on the 1st September 1914 aged 29 years and 9 months, was employed as a labourer. He had previously served the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. He lived with his parents at Weston Point, Runcorn. After the completion of his training he was posted to the Mediterranean with the 8th Battalion on the 26th June 1915. At some stage he fell ill with tuberculosis. About the 20th August 1915 he was invalided to Malta on Hospital Ship Andania where at 4 -50am he died on board the ship in Malta Harbour. His body disembarked and was sent to Military Hospital, Floriana for burial. Cause of death, Tuberculosis.
He had two brothers who served their country. Noah, born in 1900 Private 30623, 15th Hampshire Regiment , no other records were found.
James was his other brother. Born in 1894. He joined up on the 11th November 1914 at Wrexham as Private 4558, then 17338, 3rd Battalion, Special Reserve, Royal Welsh Fusiliers aged 21 years and 365 days. He lived at Weston Point, and was employed as a labourer . He was discharged on the 3rd December 1914, not likely to become an efficient soldiers, served 23 days. It was found when he had his medical on the 3rd December 1914 it was discovered that he had Valvular Disease Heart Mitral, with Tachycardia. He re-joined on the 14th March 1916 at Chester aged 22 occupation, transport worker. He was living with his parents at Sandy Lane, his mother, Mary, was his next of Kin. He stated that he had previously served with the 3rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, that was crossed out and changed to the 14th Cheshire Regiment . He was hoping to join the Royal Navy because he was a waterman on boats instead he was posted as Private 662886 14th Battalion, 2nd Reserve, Cheshire Regiment. On the 16th May 1916 he was declared a deserter and struck off the strength of the battalion. Date unknown he was transferred to the Labour Corps, Labour Centre, Northern Command South Camp, Ripon, as Private 297, according to his records so far, he was still a deserter. Army Form B. 115, Record of the Declaration of a Court of Inquiry assembled at Northern Command. Declaration. The Court declare that No 662886 Private PLANT, J. absent without leave on the 14th is still so absent. Signed Capt, H.C. Adams District Court Martial.
He was released from the Detention Barrack, Stafford on the 9th May 1919 remainder of his sentence remitted. Army Form 252 Absent from 0800 parade 14th July 1919 until found in C, Coy lines about 23.15 hrs on the 12th September 1919.

WOOLF Henry. Private 10594 1/7th Gloucestershire Regiment. Died of wounds 22nd August 1915 at Malta from wounds received in action at Gallipoli. Born at Haggerston, Middlesex. His widow, Alice Jane was granted a war gratuity on the 26th November 1915, revised on the 29th July 1919.

JENKINS William. Private, 13255, 8th Royal Welch Fusiliers. Died at sea on S.S. Valdire of enteric fever (typhoid) bound for a hospital in Malta on the 18th August 1915. Born and lived at Ammanford, Carmarthenshire.

All at rest in Pieta Military Cemetery, Malta. Plot A Row IX Grave 01
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