
John Richard (Jack) BIBBY

Extended Description
Flight Sub Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service, killed while flying 11th June 1917, 25. Son of Mrs. John Birds; husband of Olive May Evis (formerly Bibby), of 9, Belvedere, Apartments, Corner of Bloor St. and Brock Avenue, Toronto, Canada.

Stationed at Royal Navy Seaplane Base, Malta, Erected by Officers and men of the R.N.Seaplane Base, Malta and by great kindness of the Officers and Crew and Troops on board the French Transport Eugune Crossos

At rest in Kalkara Naval Cemetery, Malta Plot G Grave 52

Updated 31/08/2023.

Daily Malta Chronicle and Garrison Gazette - Thursday 14 June 1917
A touchingly impressive tribute to the memory of the late Flight Sub-Lieutenant John Richard Bibby, R.N.A.S., accidentally killed at Benghaisa (Malta) on Monday morning, was paid in the funeral which took place yesterday morning when the remains were conveyed, with Naval honours, from the mortuary of the RN. Hospital, Bighi, for interment in the C. of E. Cemetery, via Capuccini, Bighi.
Leaving the mortuary at 9.30, the cortege moved off in the following order :
A Bugler. The coffin, covered with the Union Jack, placed on a gun-carriage drawn by a party of men belonging to the R.N.A.S., on the drag. ropes.
The Pall. Bearers were : Flight Lieut. Weldon, Flight Lieut. Gorman, Flight Sub Lieuts. Mackenzie, Nunn, Benson, Dover
Arriving at the Cemetery, the coffin was lowered and borne to the grave where the burial service was impressively read by the Rev. F. E. Sutcliffe, R.N., and after the last post was sounded the assemblage dispersed.
The following was the inscription on the coffin
Flight Sub. Lieut John Richard Bibby
Died 11th June 1917
Age 25.
The sorrow and sympathy which marked the proceedings testified to the affection and esteem in which the deceased was held by all with whom he was associated and by whom his early demise is deeply and sincerely regretted. The late Lieut. Bibby was a most promising officer and in the discharge of his duties displayed the keenest interest and intelligence combined with courage and resource. He had made a trip the previous Sunday evening and was experimenting in the same machine on the following morning, when at about 11 o'clock, as he was returning to his base, he, by some means not yet explained, fell from the machine, landing in the neighbourhood of Benghaisa. Help was at hand and immediately Dr. Pearson, R.N., was in attendance, but to no avail as death was almost instantaneous. The corpse was thereupon removed to the mortuary of the R.N. Hospital, Bighi, for the usual enquiry, the finding of which was in accordance with the facts as stated.
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