
John HENNESSY. Arthur Edward CALDWELL. Thomas Leslie DEBNAM

Extended Description
Sergeant, 277 John HENNESSY. 9th Australian Light Horse died 23rd July 1915 aged 19 of Cottonville, South Australia. Born 20 October 1895 to John and Margaret Ann, 58 Arthur Street, Unley, South Australia.
Notes from his service record
Joined up 19 October 1914 aged 20 years. Occupation, contractors overseers. Redided at Clarence Park, Southern suburb of Adelaide South Australia Previously served for 4 years with the 74th ? Cadets as (Commissioned Officer) Promoted to Sergeant 23 October 1914.
His records do not show where he was in Gallipoli except the he was admitted to a hospital in Clachar? suffering from otitis media. From this place he was transferred to Mudros and then invalided from Mudros Greece to Malta on H.M.A,T (Troop Ship) (his record show ship was classed as hospital ship) Seang Bee (A48) suffering from nervous shock. 9 July 1915 he disembarked and admitted into Auberge de Baviere Military Hospital, Valletta, Malta 9 July 15. He died of cerebral abscess 23 July 1915

Private 1728, Arthur Edward CALDWELL. 4th Australian Infantry stationed at Gallipoli Turkey. Native of Young, New South Wales. Son of Thomas and Agnes of 75 Bucklands, Sydney New South Wales.
Notes from his service record.
Joined up 12 December 1914 aged 24 years and 10 months, civilian occupation printers compositor.
17 March 1915 Embarked Sydney on H.M.A.T Shropshire (A9) joined battalion at Gallipoli 31 May 1915. Wounded by bullets at Gallipoli 14 July 1915. Invaladid to Malta on H MHospital Ship Gascon disembarking Malta 18 July 1915 same day admitted into Tigne Fort Military Hospital, Malta. He died at 0800am in the hospital 26 July 1915 aged 25 years from gunshot wounds to his spine and arm

Private 1340 Thomas Leslie DEBNAM. 2nd Australian Infantry died 29th July 1915 aged 26. Son of Thomas and Margaret of Milkman's Creek, Young, New South Wales. Died from a compound fracture of his skull 29th July 1915 whic he received in action at Gallipoli and was laid to rest the following day.
Some notes from his army records.
He joined up on the 28th November 1914 aged 25 and 5 months, occupation. Embarked Sydney on Seang Bee (A48) 11 February 1915
21st July 1915 he received a compound fracture to his skull at Gallipoli. He was treated in a Casualty Clearing Station and a Stationary Hospital. From there he was invalided to Malta on Hospital Ship Sicilia and was admitted into Auberge de Baviere Military Hospital, Valletta, Malta, where he died of his wounds 29th July 1915.

Extract from newspaper cutting from the The Young Chronicle New South Wales.
Mr. T. Debnam, Young, has received the following letter from an officer of tho wounded soldiers Information Bureau at Malta concerning the death of his brave son, who gave his life for his country:—
'Dear Mr, Debnam, With deepest sympathy I regret to inform you of the death of your son Private T. L. Debnam, 2nd Battalion, Australian Infantry Force. Your late son passed away peacefully at 5 a.m., at this hospital on the 30th July, 1915, having suffered from a gun shot wound of the skull, which had caused a compound fracture. Every care and attention was afforded by the surgeons, medical officers and staff up to the last. He received the Iast rites of the church and was buried in Addolorata cemetery (R.C.) Malta, on the 30th July, 1915. Two wreaths were place on the coffin and full military honors were given.

All at rest in Addolorata Cemetery, Malta Div E Row EA Grave A 653
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