
John Atherton Parnell PARNELL

Extended Description
Lieutenant John Atherton Parnell PARNELL. 1st Gloucestershire Regiment. Born on March 1st, 1895 only son of the late Thomas Parnell Parnell Esq.,J.P.,of Wickselme, Berkeley, Glos. He came to Southgate Hill from Cordwalles School and in 1913 went to Magdalen College, Oxford. When war broke out he proceeded on the nomination of the President of Magdalen to Sandhurst, and obtained a commission in his county regiment in December 1914. He fell in the evening of September 8th, 1916, leading his platoon in the attack on High Wood, and was buried at Quarry Cemetery near Bazentin-Ie-petit. He had won much commendation from his superiors for acts of gallantry shortly before his death. He was devoted to music and all forms of out-door life (He is at rest in Flatiron Cops Cemetery, Somme, France) This memorial is in St Mary's Church, Berkeley, Gloucestershire.
Author's Note: On the 28th August 2002, I was visiting the graves of two of my Great Uncles Leonard BEARD and Frederick TUDOR, (both of whom served with the Gloucestershire Regt), are at rest Flatiron Copse, when I came across the grave for John Atherton Parnell PARNELL.
I read the Remembrance Book and noted the following:
John Atherton Parnell PARNELL, 1st Battalion the Gloucestershire Regt, Killed in Action at High Wood, 8 October 1916, aged 21, son of Edith Mary Parnell PARNELL of 1 Aubrey Rd, Kensington, London and Thomas Parnell PARNELL M.A. (Oxon) Ch., Barrister at Law - Inner Temple of Berkeley Glos, Educated at Winchester & Magdalen College, Oxford
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