James Richard COLNETT

Extended Description
James Richard COLNETT. Colonel, Bengal Army. (Known as Bengal Native Infantry) Born 1796 in Westminster St Mary’s Middlesex. 1822 he married Ann Duncan. 1824 Native Infantry, 11th Regiment of Foot became Captain. 1837 he became Major in the East India Company

1851 aged 55 years with his wife daughter Ann Sarah (born 1823) at 2 Pittville Lawn, Segrave House, Claredon Villas, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Occupation, Major East India Company, Bengal Service
Died in Malta 12 January 1859 aged 66 years. Memorial erected by his much-afflicted widow. Laid to rest the following day in Ta,Braxia Cemetery, Malta.

Wills and Admin, Ancestry -

The Will with three Codicils of James Richard Colnett late of 11 Southwick Crescent, Hyde Park, County of Middlesex a Retired Lieutenant Colonel from the service of the Honourable East India Company on their Bengal Establishment deceased who died 12 January 1859 at Valetta in the Island of Malta was proved at the Principal Registry 12 March 1859 by the oaths of Ann Colnett of 11 Southwick Crescent aforesaid widow the relict and John Southerden Burn of Henley-upon-Thames, Oxfordshire two of the Executors.

Extract from the European Magazine TIGER HUNT.
Extract of a Letter from Lieutenant. James Richard

Colnett, 11th Regiment National Infantry dated 8th Sept. 1815. In the beginning of May, 1815, our army, from the hot winds and bad weather became so sickly that we were ordered into quarters. On the 6th May we passed through a forest and encamped on its skirts, near a small village, the head man of which came and entreated us to destroy a large tiger, which had killed seven of his men and was in the habit of daily stealing his cattle and had that morning wounded his son. Another officer and myself agreed to attempt the destruction of this monster. We immediately ordered seven elephants, and went in quest of the animal, whom we found sleeping under a bush, the noise of the elephants awoke him, when be made a furious charge on us, and my elephant received him on her shoulder the other six elephants turned about, and ran off, notwithstanding the exertions of their riders and left me in the above situation. I had seen many tigers and been at the killing of them, but never so large a one as this the elephant shook the tiger off I then fired two balls and the tiger fell but again recovering himself, made a spring at me and fell short but seized the elephant by her hind leg then receiving a kick from her and another ball from me, he let go his hold, and fell a second time thinking he was by this disabled, I very unfortunately dismounted, with a pair of pistols, intending to put an end to his existence when the monster, who was only couching to take another spring, made it at that moment, and caught me in his mouth, but it pleased God to give me strength and presence of mind, and I immediately fired into his body and finding that had little effect, I used all my strength and happily disengaged my arm then directing my other pistol to his heart, I at length succeeded in destroying him, after receiving twenty five very severe wounds, some of which were at first thought mortal however, I eased the terror of the poor villagers, who appeared very grateful.
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Sat, 29 September 2018 10:59 AM
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