
James Power CARNE V.C. D.S.O.

Extended Description
James Power CARNE V.C. D.S.O. Born 11th April 1906 at 8 Cambridge Place, Falmouth, Cornwall to George Newby and Annie Emily Le Poer, Carne, nee Power. 1911 residing with his parents and siblings at the above address. 1946 he married Jean Ferguson at St Bridget's Church, Skenfrith. Died 19th April 1986 at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. At rest with his wife in St James the Great Churchyard, Cranham, Gloucestershire

London Gazette dated 13 July 1951
The War Office, 13th July, 1951.
The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Korea: —
The Distinguished Service Order. Lieutenant-Colonel James Power CARNE (33647), The Gloucestershire Regiment (missing)

The War Office, 27th October, 1953.
The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS to Lieutenant-Colonel James Power CARNE, D.S.O. (33647), 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment, in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Korea.

On the night 22nd-23rd April, 1951, Lieutenant-Colonel CARNE'S battalion, 1st Glosters, was heavily attacked and the enemy on the Imjin River were repulsed, having suffered heavy casualties. On 23rd, 24th and 25th April, 1951, the Battalion was heavily and ncessantly engaged by vastly superior numbers of enemy who repeatedly launched mass attacks, but were stopped at close quarters. During the 24th and 25th April, 1951, the Battalion was completely cut off from the rest of the Brigade, but remained a fighting entity,in face of almost continual onslaughts from an enemy who were determined at all costs and regardless of casualties, to over-run it. Throughout, Lieutenant-Colonel Carnes manner remained coolness itself, and on the wireless, the only communication he still had with Brigade, he repeatedly assured the Brigade Commander that all was well with his Battalion, that they could hold on and that everyone was in good heart Throughout the entire engagement Lieutenant-Colonel CARNE, showing a complete disregard for his own safety, moved among the whole Battalion under very heavy mortar and machine gun fire, inspiring the utmost confidence and the will to resist, amongst his troops. On two separate occasions, armed with a rifle and grenades he personally led assault parties which drove back the enemy and saved important situations. Lieutenant-Colonel CARNE'S example of courage, coolness and leadership was felt not only in his own Battalion, but throughout the whole Brigade. He fully realised that his flanks had been turned, but he also knew that the abandonment of his position would clear the way for the enemy to make a major breakthrough and this would have endangered the Corps. When at last it was apparent that his Battalion would not be relieved and on orders from higher authority, he organised his Battalion into small, officer-led parties, who then broke out, whilst he himself in charge of a small party fought his way out but was captured within 24 hours. Lieutenant-Colonel Carne showed powers of leadership which can seldom have been surpassed in the history of our Army. He inspired his officers and men to fight beyond the normal limits of human endurance, in spite of overwhelming odds and ever increasing casualties, shortage of ammunition and of water.

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V.C and other awards to service personnel who have died in conflict or natural causes.
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