James D'ARCY

Extended Description
James D'ARCY (DARCY). unner 132412 Seaforth Battery 24th Fire Command, Royal Garrison Artillery died 9th November 1918. He is at rest in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Cemetery, Staffordshire .He was the son of Thomas and Annie nee Gerrety of Albert Terrace, Silverdale. His father used the surname DARCEY. The surname registered for all the family, except for his father on his marriage was DARCY. James joined up as D'ARCY. a little confusing!!
Some notes from what remains of his army record most of which has water damage. He enlisted on the 21st June 1911 as Gunner 309, 3/st North Midland (Staffs) Royal Garrison Artillery. and attended his annual training at Bow St Camp, Ceredigion in 1912 and Okehampton, Dartmore 1913 (Auth, went there in 1967) He married Lucy Williams in 1913 in a Civil Marriage in Newcastle-under-Lyme. He then lived with his wife and child, Katheline at Albert Terrace, Silverdale, Staffordshire. On the 5th August 1914 he was embodied at Luton. The 30th November1915 he was attached to the 5th Honourable Artillery, Colchester. He was posted to the Depot of the Honourable Artillery, Woolwich from 3/1st North Mid (Staffs) R.G.A, as gunner. The 12th September 1916 he was posted to France from No2 Depot, R.G.A. He was gassed by an enemy shell on the 30th September 1917 which exploded at the entrance to the hut he was working in whilst serving with 22nd, Heavy Battery Royal Garrison Artillery. and was admitted to No 24th General Hospital, Etaples the same day. He was then invalided Sunderland War Hospital on the 15th October 1917 on Hospital Ship, Princess Elizabeth. On the 17th October 1917 he was working at Clearing Office!!. 21st May 1918 he was posted Mersey Defence R.G.A. On the 25th May 1918 he was posted to 24thLancs & Cheshire Unit,Royal Garrison Artillery, Fire Command Seaforth Battery. He was discharged from the army on the 27th August 1918 to pension as being no longer physically fit for war service under Para 392 XVI K.R. suffering from gas poisoning and shell shock. He died on the 9th November 1918. He is at rest in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Cemetery, Staffordshire

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