
Howden Dam - Derbyshire

  • Media owner Matzos
  • Date added
This dam is at the top end of the Derwent reservoir.
The reservoirDerwent reservoir was used by the RAF's Dambusters to practise their low level flying techniques during 1943, in preparation for delivering Barnes Wallis' famous 'bouncing bombs' to the German dams. Located in the West Tower of the Derwent Valley Dam is the Derwent Dam (617 Squadron) Museum which houses a collection of memorabilia dedicated to the famous Dams Raid carried out by 617 ?Dambusters? Squadron. It includes photographs and other material covering all aspects of the Dams Raid, including details of the training flights carried out by 617 Squadron over the Derwent Dam and material relating to the film "The Dambusters" starring Richard Todd as Guy Gibson, made in 1954. There is also an example of the famous Bouncing Bomb, which forms the centrepiece of the museum's display.
Sadly it was closed during my visit.
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