
GALLEY John (Jack)

Extended Description
Private 13018 John (Jack) GALLEY, 7th South Lancashire Regiment, killed in action in France 13 July 1916 aged 27. He was the son of Thomas and Hannah of 64 Pear Tree Bank, Congleton, Cheshire. He is commemorated on his parents memorial in St Peter's extended churchyard, Congleton, Cheshire and also on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France
His brother Fred served as Private 23726 with the Army Veterinary Corps, 30 Veterinary Hospital and transferred to the 12th Cheshire Regiment as Private 40701. He enlisted on the 11th December 1915 at Congleton and gave his occupation as Off Street Horse Driver, Railway. On the 21st March 1917 he embarked Southampton and disembarked at Salonica to join his unit. He transferred to the 12th Cheshire Regiment on the 25th August 1917. On the 23rd December 1917 he was admitted to 29th General Hospital, Salonica with Malaria 16th March 1919 he Salonica for Constantinople
10th July 1919 he was Orderly to General Officer Commanding 28th Division in the field. The 31st March 1920 he was transferred to Class Z, Army Reserve on Demobilization.
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COMMEMORATION to the fallen in both world wars
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