Frederick J COOK. Albert HOLLIDAY. William BOREHAM.

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COOK Frederick Johnson Private, 2392, 3rd, London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), died 12th October 1915. He may have been the son of Frederick Johnson Cook and Rose Annie who in 1911 were living as a family at 102a Oglander Road, Peckham, East Dulwich, South East.

HOLLIDAY Albert. Gunner, 913, 4th East Lancashire Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, died 12th October 1915. He was the son of Richard Blaine and Sarah Jane of 15, Red Bank Terrace, Carlisle.
Some notes from what remains of his army record. He joined up on the 3rd September 1914 (embodied service) He had previously served with the 4th Volunteer Border Regiment. He was aged 28 years and 6 months. He was posted into the 4th East Lancashire, Howitzer Brigade, Royal Field Artillery as gunner 913. He embarked Devonport 17th May 1915 to join the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in Egypt. He disembarked at Alexandria on the 4th June 1915. He embarked Alexandria on the 3rd July 1915 and disembarked at Gallipoli 8th July 1915. On the 13th September 1915 he was admitted to hospital at Gallipoli with Dysentery, 19th September 1915 transferred to Malta on Hospital Ship, Karroo. On the 12th October 1915 he died of Typhoid and was laid to rest in Pieta Military Cemetery, the same day.

BOREHAM William. Gunner, 88209, L Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, died 10th October 1915. He was born at Halstead Essex and enlisted at Chelmsford, Essex.

All at rest in Pieta Military Cemetery, Malta. Plot A Row XIV Grave 4

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