Ernest (Ernie) William J KNIGHT


Ernest (Ernie) William J KNIGHT

Extended Description
9 February 1920 - 27 March 1926

Flight Engineer Sgt, 635682,432 Squadron, Royal Air Force. He was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. in 1944. At rest at St Mary's churchyard, Meysey Hampton Gloucestershire

Sgt Knight was injured. An emergency landing at Woodbridge was attempted but control was lost and NP738 crashed into trees about a mile from the airfield. P/O Britton was seriously injured but the second pilot F/Lt D W Speller RCAF, Sgt Hyatt, F/Lt Walker and F/Sgt's Hoffman and Dickinson escaped with minor injuries. Sgt Knight survived but his severely damaged hand could not be saved, for his bravery he was awarded the C.G.M.
Ernest Knight was born in Billinghurst in 1920 and enlisted in February 1939. The details of the award of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Flying)cwas published in the London Gazette on 15th December 1944. The citation reads.. "One morning in October 1944, this airman was the Flight Engineer of an aircraft detailed to attack Wanne Eickel. Whilst over the target the aircraft was badly hit by anti-aircraft fire. The bomb aimer was killed and Sergeant Knight was wounded. His injury was severe. Although suffering acutely he insisted on remaining at his post, ready to give of his best to assist his captain in his attempt to fly the badly damaged aircraft home. One engine was completely out of action, whilst a second was kept functioning only by Sergeant Knight's constant attention. This airman displayed courage, fortitude and devotion to duty of a high order. His example was most inspiring."

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