David Gibson SHERLOCK (2)

Extended Description
Medical Board Report on -

David Gibson SHERLOCK. Acting Corporal 57616, 122 Field Coy, Royal Engineers, Born 3 September 1892 in Belfast, to Rebecca, nee Gibson and James Sherlock at 45 Frank Street, East Belfast. 1901 residing with his parents and siblings at 41 Belmont Road, East Belfast. 1911 aged 18 years residing with his parents and siblings, occupation, railway clerk. When he enlisted into the army he was residing with his family at Canterbury Villas, 76 Station Road, Sydenham, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Died 22 February 1919 aged 26 years at his home 76 Station Road of Chronic Pulmonary Tuberculosis which he had suffered from for 10 years. His brother, James of 94 Battersby Lane, Warrington was present at death.

At rest in Section B3 Grave 950, Dundonald Cemetery, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Some notes from his army record -

He enlisted 26 November 1914 at Belfast aged 22 years into the 1/4th Coy Royal Engineers, Ulster Division as Pioneer 57616. His residence on enlistment was Canterbury Villas, 76 Station Road, Sydenham, Belfast. His next of kin was his wife, civilian occupation from May 1906 was clerk for the Belfast and County Down Railway. He was later post into 122 Field 122 Field Coy, Royal Engineers. On the 28 January 1915 promoted to Lance Corporal. Transferred to Newark, Nottingham 4 October 1915. He was promoted to acting corporal 6 July 1916, embarked to join the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France 17 July 1916. Admitted to the 5th General Hospital, Rouen, France 19 July 1916, invalided to England 23rd July 1916, destination not given. At some stage he was returned to Newark on Trent army camp. The 15 August 1916 he was on a Medical Board where he medically discharged to pension. as being no longer physically fit for service.
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David Gibson SHERLOCK med board @ Newark.webp
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