

  • Media owner sas
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How many other people have answered one of this dude's questions and never received a response? @Mike1976 - I'm looking at you. :D
I've done only a few and I don't need an actual thanks - just a general acknowledgement that I've gone out of my way to help him. Some of you guys are way more patient than me.
I am one of them, TBH I’m not always certain of what he’s actually asking either.
How many other people have answered one of this dude's questions and never received a response? @Mike1976 - I'm looking at you. :D
I've done only a few and I don't need an actual thanks - just a general acknowledgement that I've gone out of my way to help him. Some of you guys are way more patient than me.
Generally speaking I'm not replying to anyone in specific in a media item even when quoting unless someone tags me like you just did. I look at it like other people reading it might find the information useful. Whether or not someone acknowledges the effort is secondary to providing information unless it's to add further information, corrections or personal anecdotes of service.

I occasionally visit one of the albums to add as many vehicle designations as I can to especially the lesser well known vehicles. I usually scroll down quickly so I don't get to see the random images at the top of the front page because I can't resist replying ?
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