
Canadian Ram ARV mkII

  • Media owner sas
  • Date added
a sherman chassis with a vacuformed hull,everything else was scratchbuilt.
This was a fun one to do!
hi guys,sorry for beingng away so long,they slapped me back into the hospitol
again,this time they took the leg!So here I am in a wheel chair for a while but a prosthetick is next. I`m also expieincing quite a few problems logging on and uploading. Yes I actually built 2,one on A sherman and one on a vacum formed Ram chassis.
What problems are you having logging in SAS?
Welcome back buddy and an excellent model by the way
Problems!!! I was running Firefox before I went into the hospitol with no problems at all,then they changed their version with alot of addons which frankly did a royal number on my computer,so now I`m using Internet Explorer and it`s maddness!
I have to log in twice because it doesn`t recognize me the first time,once logged in doing anything on site is mind blowing,I have given up a few times even without being able to log out.I do believe it has to do with my computer,probably has a million errors in it and I wouldn`t know how to fix things from a hole in the ground,but I`m here anyways and it feels good to be back!
Yes certainly a problem at you end SAS.
Have you tried clearing your internet cache?. If you search for that on google quoting your browser type you will find instructions on how to do it mate
thanks man,I`ll certainly try because this is absolute maddness!

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