D-31 Aragua

  • Media owner Alanvzla
  • Date added
Venezuelan Navy
--Copy and pasted form the Venezuelan Navy Official Web page--
(...)La dcada de los 50 abre las puertas a buques de fabricacin nueva: Un contrato celebrado el 29 de Junio de 1950 entre el Gobierno Nacional y los directores de los Astilleros VICKERS-ARMSTROGS COMPANY LIMITED DE BARROW-IN-FURNESS, situado en Gran Bretaa establece la construccin de modernas unidades de combate. Ellas fueron tres destructores pesados denominados: ARV. NUEVA ESPARTA (D-11), ARV. ZULIA (D-21) y ARV. ARAGUA (D-31), los cuales arribaron al pas entre los aos 1953 y 1954(...)


The decade of the 50's opened the gates to new-fabricated ships: a contract signed on June 29, 1950 between the National Government and the directors of VICKERS-ARMSTRONG company Limited of BARROW-IN-FURNESS shipyards located on Great Britain, stablished the construction of new combat units, these were three heavy destroyers denominated ARV. "Nueva Esparta" (D-11), ARV. "Zulia" (D-21) and ARV. "Aragua" (D-31), which arrived the country between 1953 and 1954
The Nueva Esparta-class destroyers were a class of destroyers used by the navy of Venezuela. The lead ship was named after Nueva Esparta (Spanish for "New Sparta"), one of the states of Venezuela.

These ships were ordered in 1950, and were built by the Vickers-Armstrongs shipyards in Barrow-in-Furness between 1951 and 1954.
Name: Nueva Esparta class
Builders: Vickers Armstrongs Shipyards, Barrow-in-Furness
Bolivarian Armada of Venezuela
Built: 1951-1956
In commission: 1953-1978
Planned: 3
Completed: 3
Retired: 3

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