
Napier Barracks

This photograph is from inside Napier Barracks and is published by kind permission of Bernhard Weiss who runs the "Fliegerhorste" (Air- Stations) web site. [url=]Fliegerhorste[/url]
After handover to the German authorities, work began to dig up the old airstrip and remove pre war munitions. These photographs depict Napier Barracks, Dortmund after the British Forces had left. I was stationed here for a very short time with 12 Air Defence Regiment RA.
If you recognise the area shown in this photo please let us know.
I will help you there boss it was the old THQ/Bty mt before we moved into the compound near RHQ
If my memory serves me correctly, this picture is in the old MT compound that basically sat in the middle of camp and was also the "imaginary" line dividing 22 Regt and 12 Regt.

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Napier Barracks
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