
Ural HH-6537

This Ural is active with the
87th Balcony Combat Hilicopter Wing.
at Zsentkiralyzsabadja on 07-06-2004
No offense to the lovely truck in the foreground, but I like this picture so much better because of the SFOR helicopter in the background... solthum

Oh! And I'd recommend going to the website link indicated - it's fantastic! My only criticism of that website is that, as a non-expert, it would have been nice if they had put the appropriate names and description to every photo... there are some tanks I've never seen before, but I can't search for them without any info... rbo;

And it makes me angry to hear about museums that close because no one takes over when the owner dies (aircraft museum of Todz, see website). This is history disappearing! :mad:
Dear ArticWolf,

Thank you very much for your reply!

I will send the SFOR topper to Military Images,
so you can see him better !!!

Greetings from the Netherlands www.f-a-p.nl

On my internet site I have the appropriate names and description on eads of the tumbnails, perhaps this is some help!

And i agree its a pity of the museum of Todz, a big waste!!!
Dear FAP,

I apologise for the criticism, I didn't realise I had to hover my mouse over the thumbnails to see the descriptions of each picture... I was too quick...

I look forward to seeing the lovely chopper... I like the colouring especially... Thanks!
Dear ArcticWolf,

Excuse for the delay but I have some problims to upload the picture!

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