
Japanese J8M1 Shusui / Sword Stroke

Japanese Navy attempt at a single engine jet interceptor fighter. Loosely based on designs of the famous German Messerschmidt Me-163 Comet.
It looks like a clone of the Komet, and I believe it to be rocket not jet powered there is no air intake, and the Komet was only rocket powered. I didn't know any existed, where is that one?
AH hem BW, that would be the Japanese or the IJNAF or IJAAF but not "japs" there are a lot ex enemy forces people who look into the site, and are not at war with Japan. So we don't use the old wartime "pet" names just out of respect of the profession of arms and to be civil, and there are children who roam thru here, they hear enough racist crap on the street they have no need to hear it here from those of us who know where such ignorance ends, Thank You. Bob

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