
USMC Memorial

I have been told that this is a copy of the Memorial that is on display in the USS Intrepid, New York
Thanks Lefty, I was at the USS Intrepid and they are saying they have the original. Well I don't care who owns the original, it's a great Memorial.
Great pic. Reminds me also of the book 'Flags of our Fathers', which tells the stories of the 5 Marines and 1 Navy Corpsman who were pictured raising this flag.(actually the 2nd flag raised, as the 1st was too small)
The book is written by James Bradley, whose father John, was the Navy Corpsman who took part and who never spoke about it. James Bradley only found out about it after his father's death and was then motivated to write about the men, only 3 of whom had survived by the time the photograph became so famous. Highly recommended.
Clint Eastwood has also directed a movie based on the book, due out next year:

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War Graves and Memorial Project
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