
Churchill 8

taken during the sidney St Seige
On 16 December 1910, a resident of Sidney Street in London's East End heard mysterious hammering noises at a house nearby and notified the Police. This was the beginning of a bizarre incident in which the Home Secretary, Winston S. Churchill, would take a direct hand - incurring no little criticism and ridicule at the time, and for years afterward. It was, like several other Churchillian escapades, only partly understood and greatly misinterpreted. Nevertheless, it makes for an exciting story.

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I have heard this story once before, but never the less very interesting. nice one Drone_pilot!
Churchill Rocks, he lead from the front,why anybody would want to criticise him for that I dont know?.
Defeinateley the best Prime minister this country has ever had or ever will. Mind you Maggie Thatcher had the heart of a real man.

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