
Spitfire MK VB

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Spitfire MK VB from Polish 303 Sqadron
303 Sqn, Sqn Ldr Jan Zumbach OC, Kirton-in-Lindsey, late 1942

Originally used by Don Blakeslee of No 133 'Eagle' Sqn to claim several German aircraft over Dieppe on 19 August 1942, EN951 was subsequently issued in late September to Jan Zumbach at No 303 Squadron. Known as 'Johann' because of his Swiss parentage, he was also nicknamed Donald Duck (hence the Disney-inspired marking) At that time No 303 Squadron finally introduced the Polish square to its aircraft. Unusually for a PAF unit, EN951 also carried a squadron leader's pennant. Zumbach's scoreboard consisted of 13 black crosses with white outlines, with a small '1/3' in white on the last of these (standing for 12 1/3 confirmed kills), four crosses with red outlines (probables) and one without an outline (damaged). The aircraft's serial was applied in small characters at the top of the Sky band. After Zumbach's departure on the 1st of December, the Spitfire was usually flown by aces Flg Offs Drobinski and Gtowacki, or Wt Off Wunsche.

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