The M1028 cartridge, fired from the main cannon of the M1A1/M1A2 Abrams Battle Tank, contains tungsten balls that provide a "shotgun-like effect" from the muzzle of the tank out to several hundred meters and can be used to clear enemy dismounts, break up hasty ambush sites in urban areas, clear defiles, stop infantry attacks and counter-attacks, and support friendly infantry assaults by providing cover-by-fire. When fielded, the M1028 will provide U.S. Army tank units and the Marine Expeditionary Force with quick-response, highly lethal, direct fire capability. The canister can also be filled with various payloads, including less than lethal means (such as chemical agents or "flash and bang" stun charge). The 11kg projectile payload is filled with hundreds of tungsten pellets dispersed from the canister immediately after clearing the muzzle at a speed of 1,410 m/sec, forming an effective lethal barrage at ranges between 200 500 meters. This canister will replace the flechette ammunition which is currently available only for 105mm guns. The canister cartridge length is 780mm and its weight is 22.9kg. It uses double base propellant. Following the completion of System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase as XM1028, the type classified M1028 entered low rate production in January 2005, with an initial order for the production of 3,800 rounds.