
The Millennium Dome

The image was taken by a Photo Recce PR9 Canberra of 39 Squadron RAF.
It was flown at approx 20,000 to 25,000 feet using a "wet-film" camera and not ditigal.
This image is just a small part of the total imagery taken on the day. The aircraft were tasked to photograph the center of London and areas of the River.
Goalsharker, thanks for the question.

At one time you could pay for imagery through the RAF (that was my last job), they had over 100,000 tins of imagery covering the world. However, due to cut backs, this service to the public stopped. So at this point there is no way in which you can obtain up-to-day imagery of the UK as it still held by the military and will not be released until it is over 30 years old under the UK Public records act 1956 & 1963, (I think the dates are right)

All film that was over 30 years old and is of the UK was moved and I think still is being move) to places like the Scotish Office archives, English archives and of cause the Welsh archives.
You can still search for imagery through these archives and they are listed on the web. Sorry no URL's for them.

All imagery of areas out side of the UK were transferred to The Aerial Reconnaissance Archives (TARA) and they can be found at:

They are base Keele and approx 60,000 tins covering the period 1940 - 1975 were moved there, some task that was, they are now starting to put the imagery onto the web, but its going to be an up-hill climb for them as they do not have the staff numbers and also they lack the money.

Are you after UK or Overseas imagery, latest or wartime?

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Aerial recce photos
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