
T-28 m 1938

Finnish Army WWII. Uparmoured T-28 m 1938 in nislinna (Petrozavodsk) in spring 1943.
Crew 6
Weight 27 800 kg
Length 7.44 m
Width 2.81 m
Height 2.82 m
Gradient 45 degrees
Gradient, side 31 degrees
Ground clearance 56 cm
Vertical step 100 cm
Trench-crossing 350 cm
Fording 100 cm
Weight 27 800 kg = 33 ton's

looking at the number of road wheels i thought it was a heavy tank.
A bit more:

T-28 Medium Tank

Inspired by the German Grosstraktor and the British Independent, the T-28 was a huge tank. It was almost seven and a half meters long, almost three meters high and weighed some 25 tons. While contemporary German and British tanks were armed with a machine gun or a 20 to 40mm gun, the T-28 sported a 76mm tank gun and four machine guns. At the time of its introduction in 1932 the T-28 was the most powerful tank in the world

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