
Dr. Josef Mengele

Dr. Josef Mengele was doctor in cocentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was doing experiments by peoples.
He was never catch.
Dr?. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, the eldest of three sons of Karl and Walburga Mengele. Josef was refined, intelligent and popular in his town. He studied philosophy at Munich and medicine at Frankfurt University. In 1935 his dissertation dealt with racial differences in the structure of the lower jaw.

In 1937 he joined the Nazi party, then in 1938 he went to the SS. In 1942 he was wounded at the Russian front and was pronounced unfit for duty. After that he volunteered to go to the concentration camp, he was sent to the death camp, Auschwitz.

Dr. Josef Mengele, nicknamed "the Angel of Death", became the surviving symbol of Adolf Hitler's "Final Solution". Mengele was always immaculately prepared for the long-drawn-out rituals of death, the hellish selections which the young SS doctor so regularly attended during his twenty-one months at Auschwitz.

Josef Mengele was the chief provider for the gas chambers and their crematoria."He had a look that said 'I am the power,'" said one survivor. When it was reported that one block was infected with lice, Mengele solved the problem by gassing all the 750 women assigned to it. At the time, Mengele was only 32 years old.

I think calling Mengele a villain is an understatement however I will not give him any honour by creating a gallery titled "Monsters"
Yes. He was monster. Always when I go to Auschwitz-Birkenau this is for me terrible experience. When I see crematory, barracks, ward of death I don't understandig how people could doing this.
There is no reason for it that anybody could possibly understand.What happened at these death camps was pure evil and nothing less.
I think that if the war and the death camps never happened people like Mengele would have become serial Killers because they must be evil to start with, you dont just decide to be like this its in your blood.
I disagree.. I recently watched a television program that described a survey by an American after the war. his findings were that only 15-20% of American troops actually fired their weapons most of them didnt even aim they just fired into the air because they didnt want to kill, he states that only 1% actually had a will to kill another 1% only killed because they saw what their buddies were going through and killed out of anger, war did not make mengele do what he did, he was a vicious and sadistic killer from the start.
axiss ss I would have agreed with you until I saw the TV program that webmaster is talking about. It would appear on the face of it that War is not simply the cause of certain peoples crimes and that a number of other factors take priority when influencing people to act as they do.

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