
Brimstone missiles

  • Media owner Matzos
  • Date added
An RAF 31 Sqn Tornado GR4 with Brimstone missiles fitted. To avoid blue-on-blue incidents, Brimstone utilizes a controllable safe self-destruct point, which enables the missile to safely destruct, in a pre-designated safe area, should the missile fail to acquire a valid target. Even under tight ROE constraints and in complex/urban environments, Brimstone will, therefore, be the preferred, class-leading weapon.
The missile is a Stand-Off, Fire-and-Forget type allowing much increased ranges, addressing previous capability gaps from Lock On Before Launch weapons.
The Brimstone missiles are on the centre line of the aircraft, on the wings, from the tip inwards are, ECM (electric counter measures) Pods, Extra fuel tanks, then around the tanks are some form of missile system, they may be anti-radar. I would have to double check on them.
The missiles around the fuel tanks are Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missiles (ALARM) they are designed to destroy or suppress the use of enemy ground-based air defence radar systems. It first saw service during the Gulf War and has been in the weapon inventory of the Tornado ground attack aircraft ever since. Various combinations of between two and seven missiles can be carried on each aircraft. Since its original entry into service, radars have become increasingly more sophisticated in their ability to avoid detection and attack by anti-radiation weapons such as ALARM; consequently, the missile is currently being upgraded and the improved capability ALARM is now entering service with the RAF's Tornado squadrons.
That clears up most of it Matzos!
Those on the outer wing tip you say are ECM pods. They look like missiles from here!

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