
Colenso troop 1988

  • Media owner Viking69
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This is a picture of myself and my Training troop at woolwich, london the home of the Royal Artillery at hat time. the training depot is now at Larkhill
Hi Bombardier I'd only wish that I had the opportunity to have stayed longer at Woolwich it was so satisfying to be part of a young soldier's military career and think that they may go on to great things.
I have to say that at this time it was the pinnacle of my army career and I just loved it.
On one memorable occasion I had the pleasure and honor to take a full parade.
Great days.......
I spent 2 years with the Royal artillery Display Troop at Woolwich, had a blast :)
I spent 2 years with the Royal artillery Display Troop at Woolwich, had a blast :)
Hi Bombardier in my time there I had applied to join the bike display team as I new some of the boys there and just before I got news on my application...... I got word that I was to be posted back to my Regt for gulf War preparations.
..... DAM....
But I did have a great time there.
Do you have names of others that were there with you as I know many stayed longer than a few years.

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