
Hummer Guntruck

  • Media owner Matzos
  • Date added
Extra armour and a 50 cal added to this Hummer
Definitely the right timeframe for that. M998 with it's canvas bows removed. IBA from it's operator on top and owner of the IBA probably crapped out inside using the IBA as an improved sun relief impromptu sunshade.

That's either southern Iraq or in most likely Kuwait because gravel wasn't really a thing on FOB's yet inside of Iraq. I was there, but much further north in Baghdad. BIAP next to 1AD headquarters and living in Hotel California at the time.

Edit: lol, they left the troop strap still on to prevent troops inside of a cargo 998 to not fall out. It serves no purpose being on there in that improvised configuration with the armor plate being there now.
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