

Some of my basic training buddies.
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I didnt have bunkbeds but we had the one wooden locker. we all had to have the same locker layout aswell, e.g same tooth paste, tooth brush, polish and the obligatory tin of Brasso with the letters scraped off leaving only the 'ra' for ......you got it 'Royal Artillery'. It took feckin ages to scrape all the paint off.
I once watched two DI's throw a locker out a window just because it was not set out right, by the way, it was not mine!
Bunk beds and a metal locker and metal foot locker, all painted in that loverly shade of battleship Gray. wooden floors that had to be polished with the ubiquitous yellow floor polish, using the hand bumper. up at 6:am breakfast at 7 drill from 8 to 10 NAFFI break from 10 to 10:30 military training to 12:15 lunch 12:30 to 13:30 class room training/military training to 16:30 tea 17:00 Hobbies from 18:00 to 21:00 (i did judo) and we then had our kit to get ready for inspection in the morning. god just how many hours were there in a day. :(

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