Geoff Stephenson

Tea and Biccies

Andy Thomas (left) and Derrick Swift having a brew outside their 432 1981. Andy's wife Debra says this is what they do best.
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Ahhh the BV (Boiling Vessel) on the door. Probably the best bit of kit on a 432AFV. During the Gulf War we used to do our boil in the bag rations in them while we were moving to the next objective. (y)
on the Abbot (433) we use to put tins of food on the exhaust pipes to heat up, untill the BC (battery commander) saw what we were doing, and put a stop to it.
Yes the old 432 and Abbot were very versatile creatures. During the Gulf we used to put the plastic water jerry cans on the louvres while we were moving from place to place. The water was roasting hot by the time we needed it for a wash/shower.
We had the tin buckets with a watering can rose underneath for showering and used to hang it from the 432, off a cam pole or something similar. (y)
The British Armed Forces live on tea, even battles stop so we can have a good cup of tea :)
We did a dawn attack with 432s on Soltau and we took a hit (or a blow) on our oil sump thing (note, me not REME) which stopped us literally in our tracks. The first thing we did after calling for the wrecker was to get the brews and the 10 man rat pack sausages into the BV. Blasted oil got everywhere with our tea tasting of oil and the sausages worse than usual.

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