
General Westmoreland 1967

I think he is not general,but he is field marshal,command US.forces in South East Asia,Thai,Laos,Cambodia,South Vietnam,Philippines!
US Army hasn't ever had Field Marshalls. Five star generals is the closest they've come and not since just post WW2
US Army hasn't ever had Field Marshalls. Five star generals is the closest they've come and not since just post WW2

There is a very logical explanation as to why the US didn't just use the rank of "Field Marshal":

The reason was ultimately that the name of U.S. Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall would have sounded ridiculous with this new rank. Still, the Americans were now the senior partner in the alliance against the Axis and its commanders were technically outranked by British Field Marshals.

Only one US citizen has ever held the rank of Field Marshal; Douglas McArthur as Field Marshal of the Army of the Philippines when that nation gained it's independence in name.
I mean he is general in name,but real he is more powerful than general,he secret command in Laos,Cambodia,Thai(?),Philippine(?) for anti-communist,and Abarm like him
He is a Four-Star General. You do not get a higher rank than that in the modern US armed forces.

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