
Colenso troop 1988

  • Media owner Viking69
  • Date added
This is a picture of myself and my Training troop at woolwich, london the home of the Royal Artillery at hat time. the training depot is now at Larkhill
I did a tour as a drill instructor with Sphinx Troop 1989-1990 and then moved to Oswestry Troop before heading back to my Regt to go to the gulf.
Can't post a picture as it will only allow me to share a link 🤔
Hi Bombardier I'd only wish that I had the opportunity to have stayed longer at Woolwich it was so satisfying to be part of a young soldier's military career and think that they may go on to great things.
I have to say that at this time it was the pinnacle of my army career and I just loved it.
On one memorable occasion I had the pleasure and honor to take a full parade.
Great days.......

Sorry for the link but I can't post a picture directly
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