

Lim-6Bis 105 at Krakow
Dear Polar,

When where you at the museum, dou you know are there more nieuw ore repaired
Aircaft, I`m esp. interrested in Nieuw MiG 21. dou you know?
Dear Polar,
I`m very interrest in a list of all MiG`s on of on the Road in Poland, can you send me one? that would be :up:
I prepare for you this list in english and with info about plane for few days. On this link you can see polish version list (not full) http://polar123.fm.interia.pl/listas.html . Polish version have only plane preserved of on the road and monument. I prepare for you list with Museums.

And last mig (night) from yours web from category "The MiG 21 of the Road" is in Kruszyna
Dear Polar,
The list whoud by gread where the are, and when posible with the numbers of the Aircaft.
The museums are not nesesery, I know the most of them,
And thank you for your Polish list.

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