
Hauptsturmfhrer Adolf Ranier Reinhold Diekmann

Responsible for the Massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane, France
I read once that the 2nd SS were in southern France on D-Day and they had to travel north by road to get to Normandy. On the way the France underground made it very hard for them and it was then they started their killings.
Yes thats true they were in southern france when D Day kicked off. It has been said that the killings were as a direct result of Undcerground activities. It is also rumoured that the Oradour sur glane they attacked was the wrong one?
I have a book about the 2nd SS's trip to Normandy, its a very good read.
I think that is the one, I have been running around the house trying to find it, as I'am off back to my unit in about 5 minutes.

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