
Engineman 2nd Class

  • Media owner mineman65
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Al Basrah Oil Terminal, Iraq (Jun. 13, 2004) - Engineman 2nd Class Joe Pearson stands watch on the North end of Al Basrah Oil Terminal (ABOT).
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Al Basrah Oil Terminal, Iraq (Jun. 13, 2004) - Engineman 2nd Class Joe Pearson stands watch on the North end of Al Basrah Oil Terminal (ABOT). Petty Officer Pearson arrived with Navy Mobile Security Force Detachment 21, June 5 to relieve Interim Marine Corps Security Force Bahrain. The Marines had been aboard ABOT and Khawr Al Amaya Oil Terminal (KAAOT) since an attempted insurgent attack on the terminals, April 24. Coalition forces captured both terminals during the first phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom last year. Since ABOT reopened in July 2003, and KAAOT in February of this year, they have pumped more than 450 million barrels of oil to more than 280 tankers, resulting in more than 11 billion dollars in revenue for the Iraqi people. U.S. Navy photo by Journalist 2nd Class Wes Eplen (RELEASED)

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