

MiG 23 UB 90
Mirov-Lartz 29-07-1992
Dear Polar,

Thank you for your kind words, and If you have more requests, please let me know
did you have any pic Mig-23 preserved as monument or on the public road?
Dear Polar,
Yes I have one photograph in Buk Poland, Germany and some in the Netherlands
I will opload some, if you like.
I'm interested in all military stuff preserved as monument or standing on the road.
I'm doing web about it. Web is in polish. Can I use Yours this type pic on my page?
Dear Polar,
Yes you can do that, if you put my name and site adress, with it!
Can we have also a link to eads other web`s?
your interested in all military stuff preserved as monument or standing on the road,
must that be in Poland, ore also in other countries?
I interested in military stuff preserved as monument from all countries. But most is from Poland. You can see it on this adress http://polar123.fm.interia.pl/ in section "Sprzet wojskowy na postumentach" You must choose one of category

Dear Polar,
Thanks for your adress, I have made a banner please have a look on my Link
page http://home.hccnet.nl/s.meeter/
Do you need any canges, plaese let me know

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