
Return To Freedom, August 1955

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Shown after their return to freedom in Hong Kong are eleven U.S. Air Force officers and airmen, crew members of a B-29 "Superfort" shot down in January 1953 during a leaflet dropping mission over North Korea.
From left to right, front row: T/Sgt. Howard M. Brown, St. Paul, Minn.: A/2C Daniel C. Schmidt, Portland, Oregon; and A/2C Harry M. Benjamin, Worthington, Minn. Standing, left to right; Col. John K. Arnold, Jr., Montgomery, Ala.; A/1C Steve E. Kiba, Akron, Ohio; Capt. John M. Buck, Armathwaite, Tenn.; A/2C John W. Thompson III, Orange, Va.; 1st Lt. Wallace L. Brown, Montgomery, Ala.; Capt. Eugene J. Vaadi, Clayton, N.Y.; Major William H. Baumer, Lewisburg, Pa.; and Capt. Elmer F. Llewellyn, Missoula, Mont. In the picture they are still in their "prison" clothing. Later they entered the Jockey Club in Hong Kong got a bath, shave, new clean clothing and steak dinner.

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