
Pekka Tiilikainen

Winter War, Finland. Radio reporter Pekka Tiilikainen in frontline.
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Famous radio reporter Pekka Tiilikainen (1911-1976), "the blue-white voice".

Tiilikainen was a sports commentator before the wars and worked for Finnish public broadcasting company YLE during the wars, giving reports straight from the frontlines, also interviewing soldiers there. During Continuation War he also worked in "Aunuksen Radio" (Olonets radio), entertainment radio station for troops in East-Karelia, which also had it's very own propaganda broadcasts for Soviet soldiers.

During the wars Tiilikainen survived several air attacks and artillery barrages but was badly wounded to his leg by shrapnel in July 1944 while making a report about a counter-attack. After the war he continued working for YLE as radio reporter and sports commentator. He reported Mannerheim's funeral in 1951 and was commentator in the 1952 summer olympics of Helsinki.
http://www.ww2incolor.com/finnish_forces/Radio reporter Pekka Tiilikainen in frontline.html

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