HMS Hood

HMS Hood in 1937, light gray overall. My favourite version of Britain's largest warship.
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Did you see that Dr. Robert Ballard (he of Titanic fame & Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute) has found both Hood and Bismark? I'd love to see the documentary (I think they made).
Why does it have the French Tricolour on the second turret?
The red, white and blue markings are neutrality stripes used to identify British warships during the Spanish Civil War. They extended across the top of the turret and down the other side. Some ships had them on an aft turret as well.

Both documentaries are excellent.
Are these documentaries on video or dvd? Living is Spain it's difficult to get good stuff like this. I suppose the internet ordering can work but I do like to browse as well!
Thank you for the info re the stripes - more research needed as to what Hood was doing in that neck of the woods and why it had to be id'd against Franco et al.
Any pointers BC?
HMS Hood was serving with the British Mediterranean Fleet which was used to protect British Nationalists and their interests in the Western Med.
French warships had the same markings for the same reasons.

I am not sure if the documentaries are available on DVD or video. I recorded them when they were shown on TV some time ago.

Have you checked out these websites?



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