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1st Belgian Infantry Brigade (Piron)
August 21 at 1100hrs, Belgian troops enter Cabourg, on the Dives, though its bridges are destroyed. The colonel sites his tactical HQ there while the 1st Unit crosses the river using various means. The 1st Unit then pushes beyond Houlgate and moves on to Auberville where it collides with a strong German rearguard. A patrol from Lt JACOBS' section, guided by a French patriot, Lt LEFEVRE, is ambushed and is taken under fire by four machine guns. Five men are killed (Cpl BETBEZE and privates BECKAERT, JADON,GURHEM and DE BOECK) as well as the lieutenant LEFEVRE (testimony). The chaplain DETHISE, who moved forward to help the dying and wounded, is wounded on his return and is later evacuated. During this time, the engineers work tirelessly, with the assistance of the local populace to establish a passage across the Dives. Some jeeps eventually succeed in crossing the river and succeed in bringing provisions to the advanced units. At 0700hrs, a message arrives from General GALE, the 6th Airborne's Commander: "Congratulations to your advance". In the evening, the attack is led by the 1st Unit which neutralizes the first enemy positions without support of artillery. In the night, this company, strengthened by elements of the 3rd MU and supported by the artillery resumes the attack. Again, the assault is completely successful and the Germans withdraw.

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149.5 KB
Date taken
Sun, 04 September 2016 10:44 PM
700px x 461px

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