Clement Lionel Egerton WRAGGE


Clement Lionel Egerton WRAGGE

Extended Description
Clement Lionel Egerton WRAGGE Trooper 647, C Squadron, A Troop 2nd Light Horse, Australian Army, died 16th May 1915 aged 34 from wounds received at Lone Pine,Gallipoli, Dardanelles, Turkey. Son of Clement Lindley Wragge, F.R.G.S., and Leonore d'Eresby Wragge, of Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Farley near Oakamoor, Staffordshire
This memorial is inside the Holy Trinity Church, Oakamoor, and is commemorated on the Lone Pine Memorial, Turkey

Some notes from his army records held by the National Archives of Australia.

He joined up on the 24th September 1914 aged 32 and 1 months, previous occupation, student He was posted the Australian Light Horse as trooper 647. He lived with his father was his next of kin and mother at Cannon Hill, Morningside, Brisbane Queensland. He had previously served for 3 years with the Queen Victoria Munster Rifles Edinburgh, On the 20th December 1914 he embarked for Gallipoli on HMAT A42. While he was at the front he received a gun shot wound to abdomen and chest on the 16th May 1915 at Kabatepe or Gaba Tepe which well known as Anzac Cove. He was casualty evacuated to HMAS Gascon where he died of his wounds at 11-45 am. He was buried at sea by Naval Chaplain of HMS Prince of Wales off Gallipoli and Alexandria the same day


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