
Ashleworth Church War Memorial, Gloucestershire

Extended Description
All information is provided in good faith but, on occasions errors may occur. Should this be the case, if new information can be verified please supply it to the author and corrections will then be made. This memorial has been compiled with additional information by kind permission of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and from Ancestry.co.uk

Located inside St Andrew's the parish church

Ashleworth in Memoriam​

BAYLIS, Kenneth Anthony. Pte 235372, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, died, 12/11/1917. Son of Charles and Emma Baylis of Sherwood, Podsmead Road, Gloucester. Commemorated on the Jerusalem Memorial, Israel

CLARKE, Harold Gwynne, Pte 150842, 13th Canadian Inf, Quebec Regt, died 24/9/1916 age 44. Son of William Henry and Elizabeth of Ashleworth Court, Ashleworth, Glos. Buried at Puchevillers British Cemetery, France. IV.D.44

ENNIS, Percy. Pte 241492, 2/6th Somerset Regiment died 29/9/1917. Commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium

FRANKLIN, Tom. Pte 26474, 3rd Gloucestershire Regt, Died after an illness on Friday 25/2/1916 age 18. in England. Son of Thomas and Clara of Mere-End, Ashleworth. Buried at New Burial Ground, Ashleworth.

HOBBS, Tom. Unfortunately we have insufficient information to accurately identify this man.

LEE, Samuel George. Pte 29235, 7th East Yorkshire Regt, died 31/3/1918 age 26. Son of Mr and Mrs George Lee of Gloucester and husband of R Lee of 39 Hatherley Road Gloucester. Buried at Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension, France VI.F.24

MANN, Douglas Robert. Sgt 34295, 1st The Loyal North Lancashire Regt died 2/10/1918. Born at Caterham, Berks. Buried at Sequehart British Cemetery, No1, France A.40

PULHAM, Ernest Henry. L/Cpl 2947, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, died 23/4/1916 age 36. Son of Mr and Mrs Henry Pulham of The Stream, Ashleworth, husband of late Alice Maud Pulham. Commemorated on the Jerusalem Memorial, Israel

RAVENHILL, James. Pte 21786, 4th Worcestershire Regt, died 6/8/1915. Buried at Redoubt Cemetery, Helles, Turkey, X.C.18

SMITH. Charles Henry Unfortunately we have insufficient information to accurately identify this man.
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