
Amberley War Memorial, Gloucestershire

Extended Description
WW 1 Fallen

PEGLER Alonzo Pte, 13755, 10th Gloucestershire Regt killed in action 25/9/1915 age 19. Son of William and Annie Pegler of Amberley. Commemorated on the Loos Memorial, France

SCOTT John Richard Douglas Private 50911, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to No 2 Stationary Hospital. Born 5 May 1892 at Hexham, Northumberland to Matthew William and Sussana Scott, nee Smith. His parents and sibling in 1891 were residing at Millfield Terrace, Hexham. 1901 residing with his parents at Middle Hill, Stroud, Gloucestershire. 1911 his parents were residing at Amberley, Gloucestershire. He accidentally drowned at Reversible Falls, Saint John River in St John, New Brunswick, Canada 23 December 1915. His body was not recovered.

Some notes from his army records -
He enlisted 25 February 1915 into the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Canadian Expeditionary Force as Private 50911. Date unknown. He embarked Canada for England, disembarking in England 18 April 1915 and then taken to the Canadian Army Medical Corps at Canadian Training Division, Shorncliffe Army Camp, Kent. He disembarked Dover, Kent 28 April. 29 April 1915 was taken on strength into No 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital, 1st Canadian Unit, Le Tourquet, Boulogne, France. 1 May 1915 and 2 June 1915 he was a patient in his own hospital, suffering a mental condition, possible shell shock. 4 June 1915 he was invalided to England and admitted into West Dene Auxiliary Hospital, (Mental ward) Hollington Park, St Leonards on Sea, Sussex. On 5 June he was also struck off strength of No 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital. 5 June 1915 he was transferred to 2nd Eastern General Hospital, (Mental ward) Dyke Road, Brighton. 16 June 1915 transferred to Wych Cross Auxiliary Hospital, Forest Row, East Sussex suffering from neurasthenia, (an ill-defined medical condition characterized by lassitude, fatigue, headache, and irritability, associated chiefly with emotional disturbance). 26 July 1915 transferred to Napsbury War Hospital, (Mental ward) St Albas, Middlesex. While at the hospital he was on a medical board 29 November 1915, recommendation, discharged as permanently unfit for war service. The next day, 30 November 1915 he was discharged under escort to Canada, via No 6 Canadian Field Ambulance, Shorncliffe, Kent. He embarked from England on S.S. Scandinavian. His mental condition was diagnosed as Dementia Praecox. In Canada 3 December 1915, he was diagnosed as insane. 23 December 1915 he was being escorted from an asylum at Fairville West Saint John New Brunswick when he accidentally drowned.

Court of Enquiry, Cause of death -
On being escorted with others from the hospital for nervous diseases, Fairville, N.B. to the railway station to take a train to Vancouver on 23 December 1915. This man’s hat was blown from his head while crossing the bridge over the Reversible Falls, Saint John River and before he could be prevented, Scott jumped over after the hat and was drowned. His body was never recovered.

SHIPWAY Joseph Ewart Pte,13663, 10th Gloucestershire Regt killed in action 25/9/1915 age 19. Son of Joseph J and Caroline Shipway of The Nooke, Ebley, near Stroud, Glos. Commemorated on the Loos Memorial, France [This memorial have him named Ewart]

TRUSSLER Albert James The following information is on the memorial “Pte, Training Reserve 1917 age 18” [Not listed with the CWGC.] Additional information 1901 census Son of Abel & Louisa Anne Trussler of Amberley and brother of Percy & Thomas who also fell

TRUSSLER Percy Edward Signaller 121144, 170th Royal Field Artillery died 13/3/1917 age 24. Son of Abel Elliot and Louisa Anne Trussler nee Clark of Amberley and husband of Edith M Trussler nee Risby from Birkenhead residing at 34 Victoria Street, Stapleton Road, Bristol, also brother of Albert & Thomas who also fell Buried at Puchevillers British Cemetery, France VI.E.35

TRUSSLER Thomas Wyndham Sgt 12451 10th Gloucestershire Regt, died of wounds 27/10/1915 age 21. Son of Abel Elliot and Louisa Ann Trussler of St Chloe Green, Amberly and brother of Albert & Percy who also fell. Native of Mells Somerset. Buried at Ataples Military Cemetery, France III.E.15

TURNER Warren Geoffrey Dalton Lt, 11th Sqdn, Royal Flying Corps died 24/5/1917. Commemorated on the Arras Flying Services Memorial, France
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