Intro What's Up Lads,newbie Here.

Also what are the rules on uploading images,do they have to be mine or could I say upload pictures I have seen on the web?
Hello pal and welcome to MI.Net

Your question about posting photos either here in the forums or the media gallery could be answered in many ways but I will try and summarise it and post some links to other threads here at MI.Net for you to read if you see fit.

The posting of others photos from the internet can be a touchy subject and of course we at Mi.Net like to make efforts to protect others work.

We should try where possible to seek permission from the owner/website however that is not always possible because the image has been shared around the interweb so much it can be near to impossible to identify a legitimate owner.

Our website is a non commercial place and exists only for discussion/ critique of images posted, it is also an educational place, I have learnt a lot since I started the website. With our 'non commercial' status in mind the posting of any image could be considered 'Fair Use' and therefore you would feel happy to post any image you wish.

We should however where possible credit the owner of the photo/image and if possible seek there permission, the latter as I said is not always easy to do.

There are a lot of sources of freely available pictures on the interweb however some come with a condition that a proper credit is given to the owner.

Here are some links for you to read if you want to do so but lets not get to deep about the subject, if you feel posting a photo here is 'Fair use' then you can do so on that basis. Sometimes the owner of the image issues us a 'takedown notice' or TDN and we may (after reasonable discussion with them fails) have to remove the image. This is normal and we will deal with that as and when the situation arises.

Anyway enjoy and dont get to hung up on this matter just consider mentioning when you post a one liner stating
The Copyright Owner
The license to use the image
If you consider it fair use

We are not dictators here and the decision to post text/image or photo is yours to make :)
Ok ,thanks very much.
I really want to get some pictures of the Irish Defence Force on here as I have not seen any.
I will take a look and see if there are any copyrights claims on them etc. and mention that they are not mine and start uploading soon.
If there is a pacific place where I should post them,please let me know.

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