If you like some great History of old England and new you can check out Nicola's Mudlarking site. Sometime last year after google bought youtube a lot of channels were just gone from our list. I had followed a lot of her mudlarking in the Thames and other historical water ways and places. The Thames is full of historical treasures due to it being dumped with trash and everything imaginable. The old cemeteries and even execution stations along the banks are turning up skeletons. You just have to watch a couple episodes to appreciate just how much stuff is in the Thames from the beginning. The constant tidal in and tidal out keeps uncovering more treasures that people have thrown out hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Thought some here might like it. This episode listed here is especially good at about 2/3rds in when you get a walk a bout and a history lesson, she found two coins from one of the early Kings and a friend and historian takes you for a walk of the exact places he lived and died, he had his head lopped off. You'll enjoy it