On this day Remembering the White Rose


Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Aug 26, 2019
+ RIP +


“What does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?” – Sophie Scholl

These were the words of Sophie Scholl, a 21-year old leader of an Anti-Nazi rebellion movement in the 1940s. Sophie, her brother Hans, and their friend Christoph Probst, were executed by Nazi party officials on 22.02.1943, as a result of their distribution of a revolutionary leaflet called The White Rose. Their actions helped spur an undercurrent of revolt across Germany, throughout World War II.

Alexander Schmorrel was caught later and also executed.

Letters from home by Hans Scholl:

23. July 1942 - Munich East Station (The fence is still there when you walk along the Orleansstrasse with the station to the left)

Sophie Scholl says goodbye to her brother Hans and friends Hubert Furtwängler, Alexander Schmorell and Willi Graf. They have been ordered to serve on the eastern
front as part of a student auxiliary corps.


Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl and Cristoph Probst


Sophie Scholl



Hans Scholl



Christoph Probst



Alexander Schmorell


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Bavarian Gauleiter Paul Griesler even wanted to publicly hang them in front of the university. But did not do it in fear of instilling uprisal.

The Nazi judge Freisler met his fate during a bombing raid in which he was killed.
The Nazi general attorney Albert Emil Rudolf Weyersberg was captured by the CIC, and died very soon in captivity.

Unfortunatley nearly none (except for one) of the approx. 570 judges and prosecutors working at the Volksgerichtshof were persecuted. A 1956 law even granted them immunity. But this is another interesting topic I may put in a separate thread.

Unemployed with plenty of time on my hands, I spent the time walking to and fro from the Supermarket, then resting to watching K-dramas on Netflix. Current show, Reply 1994. A trip down memory lane to the 90's through the lens of Seoul, Koreans. I can relate because they showed a stereo I listened to as a kid not to mention their love of clams.
Unemployed with plenty of time on my hands, I spent the time walking to and fro from the Supermarket, then resting to watching K-dramas on Netflix. Current show, Reply 1994. A trip down memory lane to the 90's through the lens of Seoul, Koreans. I can relate because they showed a stereo I listened to as a kid not to mention their love of clams.
and what has that to do with the subject of the thread??
He has probably posted in the wrong thread… but I’m not sure whether that’s how was his day, which Tv shows he’s currently watching or what he is currently drinking…

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