Politics New Zealand Election October 2023

Activists have quietly taken over. All the way to the judiciary. So it has been going on for some time. Its only now we can see it as it was behind the closed doors, in this election as policy. Two govt system and divide public assets per apartheid, regulation designed specifically to halt progress and the green agenda a la soviet program all coupled together amount to the worst GDP growth in the OECD next year and beyond.

Speaking of which we are the worst for drug access.
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The Bulletin: Pharmac apologises for snarky emails about Smalley

Pharmac CEO Sarah Fitt has apologised over internal emails she and her staff exchanged about journalist Rachel Smalley, an outspoken critic of the drug-funding agency. The emails, released to Smalley under the OIA and reported on by both Smalley herself (paywalled) and Media Insider Shayne Currie this morning, were “unacceptable and unprofessional” according to Pharmac chair Steve Maharey, who says Fitt has “expressed regret” for the language used in the emails.
Among the exchanges is one from a senior communications contractor who wrote that she “made Rachel Smalley cry… if that isn’t a win, I don’t know what is” and another calling Smalley’s interview with a patient advocate “utterly nauseating”. Public Services Commissioner Peter Hughes says “The comments are completely unacceptable for public servants. The media play a critical role in a healthy and functioning democracy.”
Final debate won by chippie with you're a racist and you cannot fund projects with private funding and for the genral public that is all they can figure.
The brain drain exodus over to Aussie... well there are several million and I hope they vote for why they are there.
It's just been a negative campaign all round. No visions for the future, no "this is what we could be" type discussion, all just "don't vote for them cause they will do this thing to you"
so same S**t different government sounds like the theme of the election,
most interesting part will be what happens if they can't make a coalition.
It's just been a negative campaign all round. No visions for the future, no "this is what we could be" type discussion, all just "don't vote for them cause they will do this thing to you"
so same S**t different government sounds like the theme of the election,
most interesting part will be what happens if they can't make a coalition.
All politicians are the same all around the world.

Mediocrity rulez
Luxon ran Air New Zealand. When it was better. He doesn't explain his replies expecting people to have the intelligence to figure it out...e.g, He was asked how much do you spend on food a week?.. so $60 he said he spent on food per week. Chippie said $400 so he must be feeding his ex wife and kids plus some extras all performed at some supermarket while running the country at the same time.
But they never question chippies figure and treated Luxons truthful reply like a Mary Antoinette version and totally out of reality.
It is a sea of red ...all over the floor.
Left-leaning Herald columnist Shane Te Pou has told the Herald's live coverage that Labour leader Chris Hipkins will have to resign after this "carnage"
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Hope its close... as in the sum total of firearms owners the Winny kicked in the guts... as he quipped in parliament.."one doesn't look back while ploughing the field. Well now he might be regretting it.
Act's Brooke Van Velden is on course to win Tamaki from National, giving her party two electorate seats
I know couple of entire families that voted act. To get families to agree on most things is a miracle but perhaps its purely about the options.
Perhaps if Luxon had have been more in control of debates on grounds where Labours track record has been discovered to be a fairytale he still appeared wobbly and this manifested in nationals paranoid second election prediction if Winny had the king maker role again.
This in turn did succeed by making voters paranoid and caused voters to stick to a National party vote instead of Act. Act was polling higher prior to Nationals frank show of weak campaigning.
Still a lot of votes to count. We shall see. Personally hoping that the cancer that is Winston Peters is kept out.
Labour have conceded defeat. Make up of the next government still unclear, but (sadly) my money is on National, ACT and NZF.

If there is any justice in the world, Nicole McKee will be made Police minister. Can't think of anyone better suited to get them back under control.
On the simple basis of cutting costs the register should go.
NZ police continual events of unsecured storage of firearm owners identities have frighteningly been discovered in criminals possession, also mistakenly emailed to wrong recipients have reinforced LFO's registration concerns. In December 2002, reported that the Canada registration project was running vastly above initial cost estimates. The report showed that the implementation of the firearms registry program has had significant strategic and management problems throughout. Taxpayers were originally expected to pay only $2 million of the budget while registration fees would cover the rest. In 1995, the Department of Justice reported to Parliament that the system would cost $119 million to implement, and that the income generated from fees would be $117 million. This gives a net cost of $2 million. At the time of the 2002 audit, however, the revised estimates from the Department of Justice were that the cost of the whole gun control program would be more than $1 billion by 2004-05 and that the income from license fees in the same period would be $140 million.
They so love to go to Canada for studying sabaticals perhaps they could simply read wiki and save the tax payer the worry
The political pundit perspective of Tova O'Brien, how they didn't see two layers of guano, no money at the end of the week, no labour election policies or budgets ever complied with.

But try saying straight-faced, hand on bible or sworn on the grave of a beloved dearly departed, that you saw this coming and the country would collectively call BS.
This was a bolt out of the blue.
Interesting Auckland and Wellington central both to greens so the more urbanized people know more about the natural environment than those that live in it.
If we actually used their budget and ideas we would be without investors and burning the trees to stay warm as in New Zimbabwe
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So who can replace chippie after the lineage successors were all booted from parliament for various lies and mishandling. They systemically self gutted leaving only Mc Disaster who seems to have flipped every seat that flooded this year without his warning leaving voters a choice of the roof or drown.

Green MP for Wellington was exposing global warming dressed in her green arctic down jacket.

NZ firearm legislation​

ACT party want to know your views on firearms in New Zealand. Fortunately due the recent election of ACT you can post those and be heard by clicking on here;

Fair Firearms Laws

Next weekend, Nicole McKee will be with Cameron Luxton at the Mystery Creek SikaShow.

ACT has committed to repealing Labour’s rushed legislation and implementing a fair, fit-for-purpose Arms Act of which New Zealand can be proud. Which is why we have released this discussion document, and are seeking feedback on it – so we hope to hear from you, and the community, at next weekend's Sika Show.

Where: Mystery Creek Events Centre, 125 Mystery Creek Road, Ōhaupō.

When: Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th October

Please spread these details on other forums.

ACT made a commitment to licensed firearms owners that we would start again and rewrite the Arms Act. Now we are making good on that commitment.

Labour’s knee-jerk response to our nation’s tragedy in Christchurch on 15 March 2019 punished licensed firearms owners (LFOs) and at the same time failed to make New Zealand safer. ACT will put that right.
Several rounds of rushed legislation have created a broken licensing system which is costly and needlessly bureaucratic. Two rounds of firearms and ammunition ‘buy-backs’, the establishment of an ‘independent’ Firearms Safety Authority, and the creation of a firearms registry has cost hundreds of millions of dollars to date.
Despite these changes – or perhaps because of them – New Zealanders are now experiencing increasing rates of firearms-related crime and feel less safe. Half of New Zealand’s annual average of fatal shootings have occurred in just 17 days, between 20 July and 6 August. Criminal gangs continue to use illegal, unregistered firearms as they always have.
There is deep frustration in the firearms community with the current Arms Act, and the fact that law-abiding LFOs must navigate a needlessly complex, confusing, and bureaucratic system.
ACT has committed to repealing Labour’s rushed legislation and implementing a fair, fit-for-purpose Arms Act of which New Zealand can be proud. We do not want to make the same mistakes as the Labour Government and rush through poorly thought-out changes, which is why we have released this discussion document today and are seeking feedback on it.
ACT has four main objectives:
1. To enhance safety and prevent misuse, ACT proposes:
- Introducing a three-tier licensing system which recognizes that all firearms pose a threat in the wrong hands, and that licensing the individual is the key to preventing misuse.
- Scrapping the firearms registry – it does not address the true source of firearms offending because it targets LFOs, not criminals.
- Requiring parental/guardian consent for 16 and 17-year-old firearms license applicants.
- Disqualifying gang members from holding a firearms license.
- Enabling the ongoing inspection of firearms and secure storage by arms officers.
2. To act on the recommendations of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch terrorist attack, ACT proposes to:
- Treat offenses which occurred overseas as equivalent to those which occurred in New Zealand when vetting an applicant for a firearms license.
- Use intelligence gathered by overseas agencies during the vetting process.
3. To reduce bureaucracy and waste, ACT proposes to:
- Scrap the firearms registry and focus attention where it matters: firearms license vetting and targeting illegal firearms held by criminals.
- Establish an in-house firearms disputes process to avoid lengthy and expensive proceedings in District Courts.
- Restore pre-2019 regulations governing clubs and ranges. Clubs and ranges play a core role in improving firearms safety, but they are closing under the weight of current legal requirements which need to be reversed.
- Introduce longer license periods for trusted firearms dealers.
- Introduce annual importation permits for trusted firearms dealers.
4. A truly independent Firearms Licensing Authority
- ACT proposes establishing a standalone Firearms Licensing Authority. The current regime leaves firearms licensing, administration, and enforcement to Police. ACT will create a truly independent Firearms Safety Authority responsible for administration of the firearms licensing system. This will allow Police to focus on enforcing the law and policing illegal firearms held by the gangs.
In 2019, ACT was the only party to stand up for what was right and vote against Labour’s rushed firearms law reforms.
We invite New Zealanders to have their say on this consultation document so we can move forward together and develop a fair, fit-for-purpose Arms Act for the benefit of all New Zealanders.
Another one if cindies ban, lock down and electrocute plans..

New Zealand’s M bovis eradication programme is the first in the world, with a price tag of $870 million.
Former M bovis programme director Stuart Anderson previously said the cost of letting the virus spread would have been far higher – causing $1.3 billion in lost productivity in the first 10 years alone.

Another perpetual govt department created and as usual immune to accounting.
Anything over her desk with a world first and one and only show gets approval.
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