Other Post XXIV. Mosonshow, Monmagyaróvár, Hungary, 2019


Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Jun 10, 2019

The annual Mosonmagyaróvár Modeling Club and organized by Association chief Modeling Exhibition and Competition has become an outstanding event in Europe over the past 20 years. The tournament can start in different categories of entrants: combat vehicles, planes, figures, civilian vehicles, boats are miniature replicas contest. Adult, junior, child and adolescent age group categories according to the average of recent years, 1700 - 2300 was called into work. Thanks to friendly relations and optimal geographical location of the city evolved over time in the heart of the continent meet Europe's north and south, east and west areas of Modeling friends live here; and also always a great welcome for our visitors to more remote locations as well.
The Hungarian Competition conducting numerous clubs, associations can also help in judging officers being done internationally recognized experts. Of course, every year the event is not just a mock-uppers, residents of neighboring villages, visiting Modeling family members can enjoy numerous additional programs, sight of.

Click: Gallery- year- and if you like to see more pictures, click on any image!
