Question? Site Speed


Admin & Arbiter
Staff member
Site Admin
Jan 21, 2002
Just trying to assess the speed of our site for all our members, I can check site speed on various sites but dont trust them as much as I do your good selves

You don't necessarily have to comment but if you could choose an option on the poll that would really be great.

Why?, well I want your experience here at MI.Net to be the best I can give you. If I need to fork out cash to speed things up then of course I will. :)
Were all very thankful for all the hard work and effort you put in to keep this site running Bombardier.

Well to be honest, most of my time is dedicated to the back end, the front end is created by all you good people. :)
Its a refreshing distraction from the fine tuning that goes on in the background to get stuck in with all the great posts.

The purpose of asking your opinion regarding speed was really to confirm that the site was running as I believed it was, As I said there are many places around the web to test these things but nothing is more accurate than the opinion of those actually using it.

Sure the users computer can slow things down a bit too if its not maintained properly or its an old one (Like Mine :rolleyes: )

Thanks for your comment though much appreciated :)

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